Here, you’ll find a few handy bite sized guided meditations for you from Dr Sood on topics such as gratitude or a guided meditation on the breath.

Morning Gratitude by Dr Sood
Instinctively, we often start our day in the default mode of mind wandering. This short meditation might help you start your day thinking about people who you know care about you. Such focus might help you feel worthy, cared for, and provide the much needed energy to make the most of this day. Never ever wake up lonely, even if you are alone. You always have a choice to wake up in the psychological presence of people who you know care about you. Practice this meditation in a safe, quiet and comfortable place. Also keep a back up system to wake you up, in case you fall off to sleep by the end of this meditation!
Duration: 3:10 minutes

Calm and Energise: A Meditation With Your Breath by Dr Sood
This program is designed to provide you access to a deeper place of calm so you can be fresher, more focused, and have more energy.
Duration: 10 minutes