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We have 4 different projects that you can donate to
The Full Circle have 4 different projects that you can donate to. St George's University Hospital, London - Here our services include Reflexology, Massage and Reiki on Haematology and Oncology Wards. University Hospitals Sussex - Here our service includes Massage on the Haematology and Oncology Wards. Connecting Reiki with Medicine - This project introduced Reiki to St George's Hospital, London in 2016 and has been a huge success and finally the Kids in Hospitals appeal.

St Georges University Hospital, London With your help we would love to continue and expand our services

University Hospitals Sussex With your help we would love to continue and expand our services

Connecting Reiki with Medicine With your help we can expand our services to other wards in the hospital
Kids in Hospitals Appeal With your help we can treat very sick children