Green and Blue Sound Lounge
Studies show that even watching nature documentaries, hearing the sounds of nature, or even imagining you are in nature, can be good for our mental health.
“Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Wellbeing Hub, which is part of the Full Circle website, is only for people aged 18 years and over and designed only as a general support. If you're worried about your health you should speak to a healthcare professional before accessing these recordings.

Green and Blue Sound Lounge
Studies show that even watching nature documentaries, hearing the sounds of nature, or even imagining you are in nature, can be good for our mental health.
Isn’t that wonderful news? And it was this piece of evidence that became the starting point for our Wellbeing Hub’s Sound Lounge space.
We know that for some people going to a beautiful beach or walking through a woodland may not be possible right now, especially because of Covid-19 or if you are having intensive medical treatment or are recovering from hospitalisation. But we wanted you to be able to have access to the benefits of nature right here, right now and most importantly, wherever you are.
In studies, the definition of nature is extremely wide and are known as either green spaces – which can mean places such as parks, woodlands, gardens, or forests but also blue spaces – which means rivers, canals, marshlands, or beaches.
So, with this knowledge we teamed up with some really kind people from around the world. Here, you will find a range of different recordings from nature. Why not make an appointment with yourself and take a moment to be carried away by uplifting birdsong at dawn, or the swoosh of water on a pebbled beach, to name a few of the incredible sounds of nature you’ll find in our Sound Lounge. We plan to develop this area more over the coming months to give you a moving carousel as it were, of wonderful sounds. I hope you will enjoy this space as much as we have enjoyed creating it for you and that you’ll know this is your space to revisit whenever you want.
Uplift your mood with this beautiful birdsong
Recording by Andrew McCafferty in Biebrza National Park, eastern Poland, May 2018. Further recordings at
Birds include:
Snipe, cuckoo, corncrake, sedge warbler, aquatic warbler, grasshopper warbler, curlew, blackcap.