Mindfulness means paying attention, without judgement, to the present moment.
"We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world" Dr Gabor Maté

This involves having an awareness but also an acceptance of your present experience. It is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.
An important part of mindfulness is the awareness of our thoughts and feelings as they happen, moment to moment. Through mindful awareness, we reconnect to our bodies and the sensations experienced in the body at each moment.
As we become more aware of any physical symptoms and bring an attitude of kind acceptance to what is being experienced, the resistance to any discomfort drops gradually. The body and mind shift from a stress mode or Fight/Flight mode to a Thrive or Relaxation mode, which is an important factor in alleviating symptomatic distress.
During a long term illness, it is quite natural to base our expectation, of how we will feel today and may feel in the future, on how we felt yesterday. Mindful awareness allows us to gradually free ourselves from this expectation and be more open to experiencing how we actually are in the moment without dwelling in the past or worrying constantly about the future.
Therefore, Mindful awareness empowers individuals and helps release them from perceptions of the past and projections of the future. This forms a vital part of therapy sessions.
Our mindfulness sessions are led by Nupur Agarwal who is a medically trained mindfulness practitioner.
Kindly note that the audio/video recordings are meant only as a general support and are not intended to replace any therapy or medical treatment. If you have been diagnosed with any mental health condition then please be guided by your GP/ health care team and only then access these recordings.
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Present Moment Awareness
In this guided meditation we learn how to use the breath as an anchor to be in the present moment.
This video is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 15:42 minutes
Being Mode vs Doing Mode
In this meditation Nupur guides us to shift from the busyness and activity driven mode of life to a more quieter and calmer space of beingness.
This video is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 21:56 minutes
Deepening Presence with Loving Kindness
In this meditation Nupur guides us to a deeper space of presence within. Encouraging us to develop an “Attitude of Gratitude” with loving kindness towards oneself, allowing us to move through our daily activities from this space of inner calm.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 18:01 minutes
Stepping Out of the Automatic Pilot or the Doing Mode
In this meditation Nupur brings to our awareness the often habitual thinking that happens automatically – the Automatic Pilot. She offers an opportunity to step out of this mode of thinking into a more mindful and aware mode of being, with loving kindness.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 20 minutes
Exploring the Relationship to our Thoughts
In this meditation Nupur guides us to explore how we relate to our thoughts. Recognising that thoughts are not the absolute facts but just perceptions and triggers that influence our moods and emotions. This session introduces an element of curiosity and detachment to our thoughts by seeing them from a new perspective.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 20:11 minutes
Loving Kindness Meditation
In this meditation Nupur guides us to connect with feelings of wellbeing through the Loving Kindness meditation. Invoking feelings of loving kindness for oneself and others through the gentle yet deep impact of the words spoken with this powerful intention.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 15:59 minutes
Staying as the Ever Present Awareness
In this meditation Nupur guides us to recognise the space of awareness which is ever present and sky like in nature. Bringing awareness into our present moment allows more openness and spaciousness into our experience as we go from one activity to another.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 15:06 minutes
Practicing Non-Resistance to the Present Moment through Allowing and Letting Be
In this meditation Nupur guides us to practice non-resistance to what is and to be content with the present moment. Allowing creates more space around our experience of each moment resulting in inspired actions . Practicing non-resistance during times of difficulty helps to better manage our responses and experiences moment by moment.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 16:06 minutes
Working with Difficult Emotions and Thoughts
In this meditation Nupur guides us to explore our difficult feelings and thoughts. Noticing the default tendency can be to resist these and push them away, however that is not always helpful. There is an alternate and more empowering way of relating to these through our body and breath awareness as shared in this meditation.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 21:45 minutes
Recognising the Power of Attention
In this meditation Nupur guides us into exploring our attention. Attention focus is a choice and a powerful tool that enables us to recognise where we want our attention to go and understand that we can shift our focus to anchor us into the present moment.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 16:47 minutes
Embodying Gratitude
In this meditation Nupur guides us to explore Gratitude. Introducing gratitude into our lives starting with our breath and body, and recognising how much of life we can be grateful for, naturally shifts us into feelings of harmony and wellbeing.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 16:52 minutes
Doing Simple Daily Activities Mindfully
In this meditation Nupur guides us to perform simple daily activities with presence. To be aware and fully present with the task at hand. Starting with simple activities like brushing teeth, doing the dishes or perhaps just enjoying a cup of tea with full presence and attention.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 15:02 minutes
Embracing the Changeful
In this meditation Nupur guides us to recognise that we can take inspiration from nature to embrace the changeful. By letting go of resistance to change and understanding that change is a natural part of life, we can allow it to unfold effortlessly.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 16:11 minutes