Breathing Techniques
Breathing practices are especially helpful if you’re someone who is anxious or stressed or finds sitting still or meditating difficult.
"If you breathe slowly, you’re giving your brain a signal that you’re in a place of calm.” Dr Ranjan Chatterjee

Breathing Techniques
The more stressed you feel, the faster you breathe, and your brain picks up this message and interprets that there is a threat.
In this section, we use calming breathing techniques to help reduce stress and anxiety. These techniques are rooted in traditional yoga combined with the ‘Relaxation Response’ which was developed and researched by the Harvard Physician Dr Herbert Benson MD. These calming and strengthening breathing exercises are offered to help reduce stress, relax the body, and help strengthen the lungs.
Try to practice a breathing technique every day. Studies show that just one minute a day can be beneficial. You can do it sitting in a chair that supports your back or lying on a bed or yoga mat on the floor if this is comfortable for you. You don’t need to stick to the same technique every day, have fun with the techniques, try the different ones here and see which one – or ones – feel right for you.
Our breathing technique sessions are led here by Nupur Agarwal, a Clinical hypnotherapist and mindfulness teacher and Gabriele Avery, a highly experienced yoga and meditation teacher.
Kindly note that the audio/video recordings are meant only as a general support and are not intended to replace any therapy or medical treatment. If you have been diagnosed with any mental health condition then please be guided by your GP/ health care team and only then access these recordings.
Breath and Body Awareness
In this meditation Nupur guides us to connect deeper with the body. In routine life we seldom connect with our body unless there is a sense of pain or discomfort. This practice offers the opportunity to experience the breath in the body, and provide a new anchor to rest our attention. Practising body awareness is essential as it provides an alternative to being in our minds constantly.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 18:25 minutes
Anchor into the Present Moment through Breath Awareness
In this meditation Nupur guides us into the Present Moment using our breath as an anchor. Bringing the breath through our awareness, from the background into the foreground of our experience and recognising the potential of each moment rather than letting it get hijacked by thoughts of the past or future.
This audio is proudly shared courtesy of Nupur Agarwal and is part of our Wellbeing Expert (WE) partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support’s Wellbeing Channel at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Duration: 16:39 minutes

Breathing techniques with Gabriele Avery.
Regulated deep abdominal breathing.
Exploring breathing techniques
Alternate nostril breathing technique